Hello,  Human.

I’m glad you’re here!

I’m Holly Revere

 somatic coach and thought partner 

for humans who want to exchange perfect and perform

for tend and Together.

You are welcome here to read, think, feel what your good body feels, and let your deep, strange, paradoxical self breathe.
You are not alone.

  • Do at the pace of Care
    Care with trust in Wild
    Wild in the feel of Home

    Home Free With Me:
    the dis-conforming compass

1 : 1 Coaching

  • Attend

    Naming the tender wild tangle wonder
    of what is both
    Here Now and wanting to Become.

  • Tend

    Exploring what tools, what care will meet you
    now and grow your capacity to hold well your future self.

  • Home Again

    Reflecting on what tendings have brought you the feel of
    Home With
    yourself (or did not) as you compass with Care.